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“Because a life of total physical satisfaction but without any kind of glory is not a life a hero can live”

I’m currently enrolled in ‘The Ancient Greeks’ MOOC and I’m absolutely loving it! I have completed Week 1 (Prehistory to Homer) and topics covered included the Minoans, Mycenaeans, The Dark Ages, & Homer’s epics (Iliad & Odyssey). The above quote (I copied it from the professor’s lecture) reflects the sadness Odysseus feels, even though he has plenty of sex & pleasure with Calypso. I have to say, I understand how this feels. Hedonism is a main feature of my life and although it’s wonderful, I feel the incompleteness of not pursuing the careers that I really want (i.e my ‘quests for greatness’). So yeah, I better start pushing hard at what I wanna do in life. (PS: I respect my cousin in this regard. He wants to be a music artist and he’s having a real go at it.)

Okay, I have 3 TV memories to share with you here. Over the past few days, I’ve been watching excerpts of these programmes on Youtube. They’re definitely part of my childhood. Oh the memories!

  1. Power Rangers – Sunday evenings were set aside exclusively for the mighty morphin’ power rangers! Tommy the green ranger was my fav and although I’m not sure if I had a crush on Kimberley (pink ranger), everyone knew they both had a thing for each other (and the kiss confirmed it)!
  2. Robot Wars – This was a UK TV programme (hosted by Craig Charles) and I enjoyed watching the robots battle it out with each other. Btw, my younger sister remembers Matilda, would you believe it?? She was 7 back then! Anyway, the house robots are cool! And the commentary is pretty hilarious too. 😛
  3. Gladiators UK – Contender ready! Gladiator(s) ready! 3, 2 ,1, whistle! I used to love watching this in UK! Wolf was a crowd favourite and Lightning was the best on the rings. The challenges were fun to watch – Gauntlet was one of my favs. And again, I don’t know if I fancied any female Gladiators, but boy did they look GORGEOUS!

Okay, right now, at this very moment, I am feeling uneasy about my non-existent sports career. Since young, I’ve always wanted to be a sportsperson (a proper one, not the amateur-recreational type). I’ve wasted the most part of my 20s age range – I did amateur football for two seasons, that was it – and I dunno, I feel I never got a proper sports career pursuit off the ground. I better get started on my martial arts soon – I need to train & achieve something solid in sports.